[…]The anti-entropic position states, simply, that life is precisely that force that resists entropy. Entropy is the physical principle derived from thermodynamics that states that, in any given system, things will tend to “fall apart” or tend toward disorder. Moreover, entropy means that information, defined as any nonrandom measurement or quality, has a tendency to be forgotten. […]
[…]As entropy increases, the universe, and all closed systems in the universe, tend naturally to deteriorate and lose there distinctiveness…But while the universe as a whole, if indeed there is a whole universe, tend to run down, there are local enclaves whose direction seems opposed to that of the universe at large and in which there is a limited and temporary tendency for organization to increase. Life finds its home in some of these enclaves[..]
From: Protocol, How Control Exists After Decentralization by A.R. Galloway
I examine (anti)entropy in my drawings in search of answers about what signifies ‘life’.